By no means have I not been busy. Blogging like a lot of aspects of business, really bother me. Not because I find them too time consuming, or difficult. Even though I think I'm largely illiterate and writing in a formal setting gives me slight anxiety. Here this is "published" for the world to read, and you never want to come off as dumb. "
Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." something I've lived by for the better part of my adult life. Like everything in business, what you initial believe turns out to be a damn lie. Business makes you uncomfortable. It pushes you to points that you don't like. There is no self help book, business plan, formal education, and mentor that can teach you what is necessary to succeed. That is where I live, in this uncomfortable stage of the next task that needs to be done, that I have little or no skill at... no time to master, and I must get it done in order to grow. It is a hell of a lot of fun. I've recently listened to a few podcast from Joe Rogan - who I would have had no interest in hearing speak initially.... what I've learned is that my very first online order from etsy and my own website and the incredible high of being able to convert someone I don't know into trying my product, is where life is. It is the struggle of hundreds of hours, money, failures and ideas that finally come together and BOOOOOMMM $7.00 plus shipping & handling. The world cannot hold me down in the very instance. The next day passes and I am back at it again, no sales, more rejection, and a thousand ideas.I slave away at displays, and making different products.
A year and a half has gone by since (little did you know I had to look up the right since/sense, that whole illiterate thing again.) I started this business. This will be my 10th "blog" post. Originally I was doing this blog because Google told me I needed to. Google told me I needed to create "backlinks" in order to get higher on page rank. Google is right. I think that is why I don't blog as much as I should. Because creating backlinks makes me want to vomit. That leaves me with one topic and only one topic, my products. Please don't get me wrong, I love my products. I think I make a very good product. But creating my own lotion or soap isn't difficult, matter of fact it has a very specific formula and has been done a billion times before my bar of soap came to be. Lacking any formal education in chemistry or other sciences, I'm not laying new ground work in the world of lotion and soap. There for talking about it only serves self aggrandizement.
So this is what you get instead, a rambling about what is on my business brain. Hopefully someone reads this and like me listening to Joe Rogan (I'm far less eloquent) and is able to relate. Maybe after I make it to the top these cheap words will carry more weight to the little entrepreneur. Or it's longing for putting my thumb in the eye of google for making me ramble on about lotion, lip balms, soap, sugar scrubs, olive oil, natural baby lotion, shave soaps, and face moisturizers. Or maybe next post I'll bore you all with a tutorial of exfoliating, while passing myself off as an expert on the subject, because we all know if you read it on the internet.... it must be true.
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