My market
One of the pressing things on my mind all the time is who is my target market. I set out ill advised and cast my net too big. Squashed Olives tried to appeal to everyone. I made products that I figured would capture the widest audience. The major problem with that is that those markets are cornered by people who only make 1 or 2 different products for specific people/lifestyles. A pretty label only goes so far, if you are a nobody - your just a nobody with a pretty label. Not to mention most of the people I was/am selling too are people who have nothing in common with me. The frustration built and then climaxed with falling flat on the street fair. I switched to wholesale and built a bunch of displays for all sorts of places. Hoping maybe just market presence would carry my product. (still working on that one). But recently I've started working on developing specific labels and products for small groups. First one up was the dancers foot cream.
Flopped - so far. Only $100 bucks down the drain and a bunch of time. To my knowledge no one else makes anything like it, but all of the wholesale shops I mailed out samples to haven't even taken the time to call me. I have a few more options for marketing those and will work on them in the coming months.Next I decided to spin off a brand and do something based on "survivalism". is the new brand/site. I forgot how much work it is to create a new brand. We are yet to go live with it, but soon it should be done. What my target market is for this brand is specifically "preppers" and outdoorsie people who do a lot of back packing or camping. The soap is your most basic Castile olive oil soap that leaves no harmful chemicals on you or in nature. I also sell a soap making kit that gives you 21oz of lye to add your lard/oil/tallow to. I just have to finish pictures and do a Youtube video of me making soap using the kit.